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Louise Cotnoir

Born in 1948 in Sorel, Québec, Louise Cotnoir has published over fifteen books of poetry, fiction and drama. Many of her books have received critical acclaim, including nominations for the Governor General’s Award. She has participated in numerous conferences on writing and women and has served on the editorial boards or collaborated in other ways with many Canadian and international journals, including Sorcières, Estuaire, Arcade, Tessera, Matrix, Moebius, Room of One’s Own, Ellipse, Trivia, Silencíada Festada Palabra, El Ciervo and Cahiers internationaux du symbolisme. Some of her works have been translated into English, Spanish, Catalan, Swedish and Chinese. Her next collection of poetry, Les sœurs de, will be published by Éditions du Noroît in 2011. rnrn

About the Author

Books written by Louise Cotnoir